This heat is just too hot for training! HaHa it makes one press up seem like 50. Yesterdays session i had to remove my rash guard because it was too hot. But i supose the circuit training wasnt the best thing to do in the heat! But atleast last nights deserts calories have deffo been s

Todays MMA Session was Cardio based. It was extremely Hot and Crowded! So not only the sun was killing our workout but the body heat didnt help either! The session started with circuit training. The circuit envolved Skipping, Sit ups, Inverted sit ups, Burpees, Squat thrust, Knee Jumps, Leg Raises, Push Ups (Medicine Ball), Sit up (Medicine Ball), Non stop Punching, Kicks, Elbows, Knees on Kick shield. Then we moved on to Flexibility Practice. Then to finish off the session we all went 50% live Jujitsu before Loosening the legs and arms up. What a sweaty session! Ha Ha
Recently joined a local Gym with a friend from my MMA Sessions. The Gym consists of a Cardio Room, Strength Conditioning Room (Weights), Swimming Pool, Sauna & finally a Steam room. I find after spending 15-25 mins in the cardio room (warming up) then spending 1 hour and 30'ish minutes in the Strength Conditioning Room, Having a Swim & then secondly taking 10 minutes in the steam room is a relaxing way to cool down after the workout. I love it! Dont want to over do it since i have my MMA Sessions straight after the Gym so im going to the Gym 2-3 times a week at the moment.