Today in my training time i chose to follow through with a suggestion from Eric Wong ( ) I found the body weight circuit tiring and worth the effort. When i looked at it i must be honest, i thought "Easy, nothing compared to my workouts during my mma classes" It was close.
Went to the beach today for another day of conditioning, i forgot to check the tide times and the tide was in....luckily there was a square piece of land higher up so stopped there instead to do circuit training. I have a video of one circuit i did whilst there. I will be uploading the video to the site anytime from now.
Have come back from my MMA session which was a sparring session. Was good. Learnt another couple of combonations and a unusual one aswell (may show it in a future video) My Shin Pads and Feet Pads are now due for next monday. The rash guard anytime soon, Hopefully tommorrow (sick of waiting!)
Going to MMA in around 30 mins and is wondering what the martial art we  will be doing tonight. Dont mind any of the martial arts. I have ordered some shin and foot pads for sparring a few days ago so i am waiting for them to come. Also have ordered a rash guard for my jujitsu classes mainly, that was £20 which i thought was the best offer im going to get since most rash guards seem to be priced at £30- £40!
Yesterday was the my 16th Birthday and went to a forest to do a little conditioning workout. Today i am going to the gym, infact im going in 5 mins. I then have my next mma class on friday where i may make another video.
Today I took a "relaxing" day at the beach, Not! Instead of chilling i did some conditioning after all its "all in the conditioning" check teh videos to see my conditioning. Yesterday i went to my mma gym with a few friends and grappled for a good two hours.